TN E sevai Application status check, certificate download, Registration, Department Login – Here this edu portal will produce tnsevai application status, registration. Theses’ web series will publish by site. Now it was developed by e Sevai application. Here we will provide navigation to help you for searching all needs. If you need all services links please go log in to site. In such case, you will login or going to see their official TnEsevai site, you will not understand how to use it. Whereas, patta site is proving to clear information about E sevai site without error. This portal will publish each Certificated information's are enclosing below page on Date wise.
Tnesevai Application status
You will know or check your applications status please login TN E Sevai official one. There are number of certificates were have providing by TN government. So the will plan to publish each post in date and time wise. So you will easily to find which certificated you want.
Tnesevai Registration
The user can read and login register at E sevai website. We will mention and explain below page.
If you need or download certificate please use site. There is more number of certificates are in official website. We will show and given link on below page. You can must login first then access your certificate pages. Link
Update May 12, 2023:
TN Eseva |
Services (All certificates) |
Login with mobile number |
Sign Up |
Citizen login |
are services will be announcing The legal certificates are coming and publishing official only. So the entire users will go to check official site.
Tnesevai citizen login
We will mention what are schemes or departments is there in official Tn E Sevai. Totally 86 certificates links are arranging official website. If any certificates links doesn't missing please mail us.
services be like,
Income certificate
Nativity certificate
Residency certificate
Community certificate
First graduate certificate
Deserted women certificate
Family migration certificate
Unemployment certificate
Agricultural certificate
No male child certificate
Legal heir certificate
Solvency certificate
Money lenders certificate
Marginal farmer certificate
E adangal
Indira Gandhi old age pension scheme
Differently abled pension scheme
Printing of smart card
CSR status
· Status viewing.